Sunday, November 24, 2013


Three sunrises ago, RoseClan had accepted three new members. Hawkfeather, Shadefur, and Eaglewing. Hawkfeather had been shy at first, but after a while, she learned to trust them, Echostar and Almonddash at least. Shadefur and Berrypaw had become quick friends, due to their talkative attitudes. Eaglewing had been uneasy, being accepted into the Clan so easily, but he started to trust them quickly.

"Hey, Echostar," she black and white snapped her head up as soon as she heard her name. It was Goldenheart. "I just got back from patrol with Almonddash and Birdpaw, and we found something you might not like."

"What did you find?" An uneasy curiosity plagued her mind.

"We found badger scents near the border," the golden she-cat stated.

Echostar stiffened at the word badger. Big, ugly black and white brutes that could kill a full grown cat if they pleased to do so. A badger was the cause of Spiritcaller's demise.

The black and white she-cat narrowed her eyes and growled. "Where?"

"Outside of it," Almonddash stated as he approached the two she-cats. "Not in TwilightClan's side though. It looked like the badgers were on the riverside of the territory."

"Badgers?" Echostar said, "As in more than one badger?"

"Well," Almonddash started, "yes. There were smells of more than one badger."

Birdpaw chirped in, "About three or four of them, and with the number of cats in RoseClan, we should be able to tackle them easy!"

"She has a point, Echostar," Almonddash said, taking note of her uneasiness despite the small number of the badgers. "Even with just you, me, and two other Warriors, we should be able to fight them off, or chase them into TwilightClan's territory or chase them past the border and closer to twolegplace or the mountains."

Echostar flicked her tail and stood up, "I know that," she muttered. The black and white she-cat looked at her calico deputy. "Almonddash, can I talk to you in the forest for a moment?"

"Of course, Echostar!" The tom stood up and followed Echostar outside through the brush tunnel.

"Almonddash, can I trust you with something?" She asked, staring at the trees, her eyes focusing on nothing.

"Of course! You can trust me with anything!"

She looked back at him and opened her jaws to saw something, but was interrupted when the bushes started rustling. She turned her head and snarled, "Who's there?"

"Relax, Echostar! It's just us!" Shadefur walked from the bushes, Cherrywind was behind him. "While we were patrolling, we found two intruders! Eaglewing! Ravenfeather!"

When the black she-cat and skinny calico appeared from the bushes with the intruders, Echostar was astonished. "Ghoststar, Scorchtooth? What brings you here?"


  1. Ravenfeather stepped a side looking at the two intruders, and swiftly glanced ove Eaglewing. She hasn't really spoken to him since he arrived here. The black she-cat quickly retrieved her bright amber gaze a afraid that he might caught it and think she has a huge stalker crush on him. Her fur became hot completely unaware if he caught the wandering gaze.

  2. Shadefur set himself next to Ravenfeather licking a paw and while doing so he caught the glance of Ravenfeather. He purred slightly trying not to say anything.

    Hawkfeather was out hunting on her own quietly taking in that she was in a new territory.

  3. Ghoststar's ears were flat. She was embarrassed at being caught on rival clan territory and even more ashamed that it was Scorchtooth the cat with her, who would witness her being caught on rival clan territory. She straightened up, trying to hide her exhaustion. She felt her nine new lives tingle within her. "Echostar," She dipped her head respectably. "We were just passing through, we haven't stolen any prey." The white she-cat glanced at her Medicine Cat, hoping he would give her a sign whether it was okay to tell them what they were really doing here.

    Almonddash stood beside Echostar, looking at the intruders with a friendly expression. These were Darkmoon's clan mates. He flicked an ear, pushing the thought aside. They are intruders! He forced his fur to bristle slightly, focusing on the fact that this interrupted whatever his leader was going to tell him.

  4. (Wait wow does Ravenfeather have a crush on Eaglewing? Cause if she does, I'd totally ship it.)

    Echostar nodded. "I trust you haven't," she was curious to why they were here. "What brought you two here? Does your Clan know you're this deep in RoseClan territory?"

  5. Birdpaw sat down, her eyes glinting. She was in the presence of two Clan leaders, and sh got to see them discuss business! What could be better? She could brag to every cat about this. She looked to Almonddash, noticing he was bristling. She copied him and stood up, glaring at the intruders with her fur on end.

    Blacklight padded into camp, dropping the vole he caught onto the pile. He sighed and trotted deeper into camp, before plodding down in a spot warmed by sunlight. He started to groom his black and white fur, picking out twigs or burrs from hunting.

  6. Goldenheart heard noises from outside the camp and approached Blacklight. "What do you think happened?"

  7. (Yeah she does lol I thought it would be nice to spice things up)

  8. Shadefur tilted his head looking at Birdpaw. It was going to take everything he has to keep him from laughing. Don't do it...not now...just hold it!!

  9. Eaglewing glanced at Shadefur and whispered, quietly enough so that only the black and white tom would hear, "What's so funny?"

  10. (Yeah I don't know what it is with calicos they r just perfect lol /.\)

  11. "Oh just, just the way Ravenfeather was lookin at you and then Birdpaw..."he almost bursted out laughing but then dashed off leaving him and Ravenfeather together.(cute lol)

  12. Eaglewing's ears heated up a little and he looked at Ravenfeather, who was looking away from him. He turned his head away and he felt his pelt heat up. He had only been in the Clan for a few days and he already had a crush on a cat! They didn't talk much, but their nests in the Warriors den were near each other. He didn't even know if she returned his feelings or not!

  13. Ravenfeather glanced at Eaglewing by looking at a tree in his direction. She could feel her paws tingle with excitment of being close to her. The excitment was a lot to take in her pelt rose to a bristle.

  14. Blacklight looked up at Goldenheart. He flicked an ear. "Maybe there's a new cat, or intruders. Or perhaps a badger wandered a bit too close to the camp."

  15. Goldenheart shrugged and sat down beside her clan mate. She licked her paw and brought it over here ear. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was a new cat," she meowed, "we've gotten so many passing cats that have joined RoseClan lately."

  16. Blacklight nodded subtly. "True. We have had many recruits lately. It's curious; don't you think? Why so suddenly? TwilightClan is a Clan like us. Are they getting many recruits too? If not- why only us?"

  17. Goldenheart thought about what Blacklight has said. "Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it is fate's choice."

  18. Ghoststar cleared her throat. "Well, I.." She glanced at the cats watching. "I think we could talk about that a bit more privately." She wasn't sure why she didn't want to share that she had gone to starclan to get her nine lives with everyone, she just didn't. The white she-cat forced her claws to stay in. It wouldn't be a good idea to seem aggressive here.

    Almonddash flattened his ears. Why so secretive? The calico tom glanced at Birdpaw. "I'll stay here, if that's okay with you Echostar. Birdpaw, on the other paw." He nudged his Apprentice with a sympathetic look. "Why don't you go back to camp and get a nice mouse to eat?" He left the other warriors for Echostar to dismiss.

  19. Echostar narrowed her eyes at Ghoststar for a moment. "Very well. Ravenfeather, Eaglewing, can you leave us to talk in for a moment?" After the two Warriors had left, Echostar looked at Ghoststar. "So what did bring you into RoseClan's territory?"

  20. Ravenfeather nodded looking at Eaglewing making sure she walked next to him but not too close.

  21. Birdpaw looked at Almonddash with confusion for a moment. Weren't they going to train? She flicked her ear and nodded to her mentor. "Okay, Almonddash." She padded alongside Eaglewing and Ravenfeather, quiet. She felt an odd tension between the two- a tension she was not used to.

    Blacklight shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe it is guidance from StarClan. Only they know."

  22. Ghoststar felt more relaxed without a bunch of rival Warriors surrounding her. "We had come in search of a place to speak with Starclan, so I could receive my nine lives." The white she-cat felt her fur rise as she recalled the experience. She could feel the power of her new lives tingle in her paws to the tips of her claws. "We found sacred ground just over that hill, and I have received my lives and leader name." Her gray eyes sparked as she said it.

    Almonddash watched her carefully. Her tone had changed. Something about the way she spoke made his fur bristle. He dug his claws into the ground, glancing at EchoStar. They had a good reason to trespass then, if they were visiting Starclan. Yet, he still felt they should have asked first.

  23. Echostar gave a small smile. "You've found the Moon Rock? I was wondering if StarClan would lead you there, or if I would have to. And you've received your nine lives? Excellent," a quiet purr came from her throat. "How come you didn't come to the camp and ask about StarClan? Silverpaw and I teaching Nightflame about our ancestors, we would of both more than happy to teach you about them as well."

  24. Ghoststar pricked her ears. "Really?" She mrreowed at her self, thinking Echostar would have turned her away. "Well, since our clans just met I didn't want to intrude. But its fine now. Scorchtooth can teach me anything else I need to know." She dipped her head thankfully. "If you don't mind we'll just head back to our side of the border. Thank you though for your kindness."

  25. Echostar flicked her ears. "Of course. Next time you go to the moon rock and a patrol catches you, just let them know and you'll be able to pass."

  26. Ghoststar nodded with a purr. "See you at the next Gathering." The white she-cat headed back to camp with Scorchtooth behind her. She ignored his sarcastic remarks, exhausted and just ready to be back with her clan.
