Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Members

Three cats were travelling through the forest, two toms and a she-cat. One of the toms, a long furred black cat with light calico and white markings, was walking farther behind them, due to a limp. The oldest of the trio, an almost white she-cat with pinkish-ginger tabby markings, was leading them across the thunderpath. No monsters were crossing, and she deemed it safe to cross. The other tom, a long furred calico and white tom, was purposely trailing behind the she-cat to help his limping brother.

The tom called up to the she-cat, "Cherry! Do you know where we're heading?"

The she-cat, now known as Cherry, looked back at her son and shook her head. "Unfortunately, Almond, I don't, but I heard from several kittypets that there was a group of cats here. They said that they were a 'Clan' of some sorts."

The limping cat glared at his mother. "How do you know they'll show hospitality towards us?"

Cherry returned the glared equally. "That's a risk I'm willing to take to keep us safe, Night, and besides. You know most of the aspects to healing wounds and diseases. Surely, they must need a healer."

The cat, now known as Night, growled at the word healer. He turned his neck to glare at his hind leg. His limping hind leg. Night remembered the day the accident happened clearly. He and Almond were just about eight moons old. They were exploring a new territory their mother had taken them to. Night's leg was caught in a beaver trap... His mother and brother had saved him, but his leg was forever crippled... It was moons before he could walk again. Night knew that he would never become a fighter, or a hunter, so he was forced to learn the way of healing. And he was very skilled at it. He wished things could change, but that chances of that happening---

Night was pulled out of his thoughts by yowling and hissing. Cherry and Almond has their backs arched and were hissing at 3 cats ahead of them. One was a black and white she-cat, who seemed by the leader, another was a brown tabby tom, and the third, who was also the smallest, was a calico she-cat. The other three were in the small posture as Cherry and Almond.

Cherry snarled, "Who are you?"

The black and white she-cat glared. "I should ask you the same thing. Why are you trespassing on RoseClan territory?"

Almond immediately dropped his hostile attitude. "So the rumors are true! There really is a Clan here! We just left a twolegplace a few sunrises away, looking for you! We were wondering if we could join you guys!"

Cherry just chuckled and sighed and nodded. "Yes, we did want to join your Clan."

The small calico blinked happily. "New members? Alright! Echostar, we have to let them join!"

The cat now known as Echostar sighed softly, "Calm down, Berrypaw." She turned to the brown tabby. "What do you think Thornstrike?"

Thornstrike eyed the three cats, and nodded. "So long as they don't flirt with Goldenheart, I'm okay."

Echostar rolled her eyes. "So where are you?"

Cherry stepped forward. "My name is Cherry, and those two are my sons, Almond and Night. Night is the one with a limp, he's a very good healer."

Berrypaw smiled. "A healer? That means Silverpaw will have a mentor! She doesn't know much about healing, and she could learn from him!"

Echostar looked at Berrypaw sternly. "Berrypaw. Settle down."

Berrypaw nodded, but her eyes still held excitement. Echostar turned back to Cherry. "You say you're willing to join RoseClan?"

Cherry and Almond nodded. Night did not.

Echostar looked at Night. "What about you?" She walked towards him. "Do you not wish to join us? You will be well cared for; as a Clan we all help each other out. And you'll helpus out. You'll be a Medicine Cat, you'll be one of the most respected cats in our Clan, and our apprentice, Silverpaw, only knows how to heal battle wounds, not sickness."

Night glared at her. "But that's all I'll do... I'll being caring for the weak and the sick."

Almond walked over to Night and stood beside Echostar, sadness in his gaze on his brother. "That's a good thing. You'll be helping cats who don't know the skills you know."

Night gave a small smile, but reluctance was in his gaze... He had still wanted to be a Warrior, like his mother and brother, and, he guessed, like Echostar and Thornstrike. He nodded.

Echostar grinned. "Excellent!" She turned to Berrypaw. "Berrypaw, go back to camp and tell Goldenheart and Silverpaw the news!"

The young calico beamed and ran off, in direction of the camp.


"Goldenheart! Silverpaw!"

A small silver she-cat looked up from the vole she was eating, a golden tabby poked her head out of the Warriors den, a large bush seated against a boulder.

Silverpaw smiled at the sight of her best friend. "What is it, Berrypaw? Where is Echostar and Thornstrike?"

"We found three cats!"

Goldenheart tilted her head to the side. "So? Are they enemies?"

Berrypaw shook her head. "Nope! Cats who are gonna join RoseClan!"

Goldenheart sighed. "You know... A group of five cats isn't really a Clan..."

Berrypaw shrugged, "Who cares! Soon RoseClan will be a strong Clan! We'll rule the forest!"

A rustling at the camp entrance interrupted whatever Silverpaw was planning to say, but a tom's voice came in. "We already do, Berrypaw, we're the only cats in the forest... Plus with Echostar's old reputation, we won't be bothered."

Echostar's voice soon followed. "Thornstrike." It was laced with anger. "You know I hate my past... I regret those actions..." For a moment she sounded broken. All five cats were now in the camp.

Cherry padded forward towards Echostar. "Your past? What do you mean?"

Echostar didn't answer. "Goldenheart, Silverpaw, these are Almond, Cherry, and Night. Night is the one with a limp. They are the newest members of RoseClan."

Goldenheart smirked. "What about names?"

Almond looked confused. "What about names? We already have them..."

Silverpaw looked at him. "You have names, yes, but not proper Warrior names... StarClan won't accept that."

Cherry nodded, Almond smiled, and Night just scowled. Cherry and Almond were open to new things, Night was more reluctant.

Echostar smiled. "Excellent!" The black and white she-cat jumped on top of a large rock near the side of the clearing, a small tunnel next to it.

"Cherry, Almond, Night, step forward please," Echostar began, "You have been accepted as new Warriors of RoseClan, and we are thankful. Cherry, from this day forward, you shall have the new name of Cherrywind. Almond, from this day forward, you shall have the new name of Almonddash. You two shall join us among the Warrior rank. Night, from this day forward, you shall have the new name of Nightflame. Due to your unfortunate limp, you shall take the role of Medicine Cat. You shall teach the ways of healing to Silverpaw."

"Cherrywind! Almonddash! Nightflame!" Berrypaw, Silverpaw, Goldenheart, and Thornstrike called out. Almonddash grinned, along with Cherrywind; Nightflame was giving a small smile, though his eyes read bitterness... He had no wish to be a Medicine Cat.

Echostar waved her tail to silence. "Most of you are aware that we do not have a deputy, or a second-in-command as others would say. I am granting this honor upon Almonddash. He may of just entered our ranks, but I do believe he would make an honorable and trustworthy one. Almonddash," she looked down at him, "do you accept my offer?"

Almonddash couldn't believe what he was hearing. Deputy. He had only just met Echostar, and she was asking him to be deputy! Why not Goldenheart, or Thornstrike? They had known her longer, and were more experienced! Shaking eagerly, he nodded. "Y-yes, Echostar! I accepted your offer of being RoseClan's deputy."

Echostar smiled down at the tom. "Then StarClan, hear me out. I say that Almonddash is now the deputy of RoseClan."

The whole Clan (minus Echostar and Almonddash) shouted out, "Almonddash! Almonddash!"


  1. Cherrywind beamed at her son, the only one she cared about now, as he stood proudly among the cats. The ginger and white she-cat knew EchoStar had made a good decision. He was a good cat; brave, strong, and yet level headed. She cheered his name loudest. "Almonddash!" Her family was safe now.

    Nightflame sat back behind his mother, keeping distance between himself and her. He kept his tail swept around his injured leg, a nervous habit. He hated how everyone introduced him as the one with the limp. Is that all he was? That cat with the twisted leg? He decided he might as well meet Silverpaw, but he couldn't place who she was in the group. Introductions would be nice...but noo.

    Almonddash stood straight as his name was yowled. Deputy. Who would have thought? He looked up at EchoStar, wanting to get to know her better right away. If he was to serve beside her, they should be a team. He waited for her to come down from her perch. He could meet everyone else after. His paws tingled with excitement of being a big part of a group. He glanced back at his brother, sadness engulfing him. Almonddash wished Nightflame could share in his pride.

  2. (Question. Did I play their characters right... Or close enough?)

    Silverpaw looked at her new mentor and walked over to him. "Hello! I'm Silverpaw! I'm Goldenheart's younger sister, and I guess you're my new mentor!"

    Echostar leaped down from her spot on the boulder and landed next to the new deputy. "How do you like the clan so far?"

  3. (;o; I forgot for someone to interact with Cherrywind!)

    Berrypaw bounced right up to Cherrywind. "Hi! I'm Berrypaw, Thornstrike's apprentice! Thornstrike is the big brown tabby tom, his mate's Goldenheart, whose little sister is the Medicine Cat Apprentice! So how did you hear of RoseClan, anyways? You said you heard of it from kittypets... How did kittypets know about us?"

  4. Nightflame blinked at the little she-cat's enthusiasm. "I'm...well you know; the cat with the limp." He said rather bitterly. "Could you be useful and show me around? Where are the herbs? Where do you keep them?" He felt some pride in finally being in charge of something.

    Almonddash's pale green eyes were bright. "It's great! You'll have to teach me about ranks and rules though. But right now, why don't we go for a walk? Get to know eachother?" His tone was friendly.

    Cherrywind smiled at the friendly calico. "Well hello there, its nice to meet you." She purred, swishing her feathery tail slowly. "I'm sure the kitty-pets fear your clan so they know where you are to stay out of your territory."

    (you played them fine :3 don worry)

  5. Silverpaw frowned a little. "You're not just a cat with a limp! You're also the Medicine Cat! You're one of the most important cats in RoseClan! And of course!" She flicked her tail towards a large array of bushes with thorns surrounding it. "That's the Medicine Cat den! The back of it is stone, so I stored the herbs and extra moss there!"

    Echostar smiled and nodded. "Of course. We don't have many cats, just the Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat, Warriors, and two Apprentices. We don't have any Elders or Queens with kits." She turned towards the camp entrance. "We'll talk in the forest." Echostar walked towards it.

    Berrypaw beamed. "You're darn right! RoseClan will soon be the most feared Clan ever! We'll be stronger than TigerClan, LeopardClan, and LionClan! And with me as a Warrior, that'll sure to happen!"

  6. Nightflame gingerly limped after her and into the den. He sniffed carefully, catching scent of the herbs she collected already. "Marigold...poppyseeds.." He nodded slightly. "That's good for healing battle woods, like EchoStar said." He shuffled around the den, hating how hard it was with his wounded leg. "Not bad."

    Almonddash eagerly followed her. "'ve got a reputation huh?" He didn't mean to pry, but curiosity was getting the best of him.

    Cherrywind laughed a little. "Oh I don't doubt it, but careful little one. Modesty can make you stronger than pride sometimes." She nudged her. "Let's go talk to your mentor and his mate."

  7. Silverpaw smiled. "I know the healing wounds part easily, but it's the sickness that I don't know. I do know that catmint is used for greencough though!"

    Echostar stiffened. "It was in the past. I don't do what I did anymore."

    "Hey! I'm not little!" Berrypaw hissed playfully at the older cat before pouncing towards her older sister. "Goldenheart! Thornstrike! I was talking to Cherrywind and she's really, really nice!"

  8. Nightflame flicked an ear, exiting the den. "Yes, that's right. But there's much more to it than that. We'll get into it after we stock things up." He looked around. "Why don't you show me around the territory?" His voice was brisk and his praise hardly seemed like one.

    Almonddash noticed her change. He was still burning with curiosity but didn't want to make his leader mad at him. What if she took away his place as Deputy? "This is a good territory." He quickly changed the subject.

    Cherrywind tried to keep up with the young, hyper cat. "Thank you, you're nice too." She dipped her head to the other two cats. "Its nice to be apart of a clan."

  9. Silverpaw shrugged it off; she knew most cats didn't want to Medicine Cats, and her new mentor was one of them. "Alright." She started walking out of the den.

    Echostar smiled and nodded. "It was chosen by my mother, Rosethorn. She died before StarClan could grant her nine lives and the title of leader. It was a fox that killed her. She was old and fragile, but still brave and strong." Grief was written in her voice.

    Berrypaw grinned.

    Goldenheart smiled and dipped her head to Cherrywind. "I'm Goldenheart; this is Thornstrike. I'm not sure if you've met Silverpaw, but she's the Medicine Cat's Apprentice."

    Thornstrike nodded at Cherrywind.

    (Thornstrike does not say much o3o)

  10. Nightflame followed behind her, almost struggling to keep up. He tried to keep his breath steady but the effort of limping often times made him pant.

    Almonddash flattened his ears, his eyes reflecting sympathy. "Oh, that's too bad. She has a wonderful daughter to be proud of. It must bring her peace in...well the stars." He just assumed dead cats of clans go there, not familiar with any beliefs they might have.

    Cherrywind cast a glance over her shoulder to where her son and Silverpaw were leaving. "I haven't met her yet, but I will when she's done with training." There was a hint of bitterness in her amber gaze. "So, are you the only clan around here? Any competition?"

  11. Silverpaw noticed this and slowed down a bit. "Are you okay? You know... With being a Medicine Cat?"

    Echostar nodded. "She has taken her place among StarClan."

    Thornstrike noticed her actions towards Nightflame, but said nothing.

    Goldenheart shook her head. "No clans... Well... Known that we know of."

    (He says little, but notices tons of stuff!)

  12. Nightflame's throat rumbled with a growl. Nice save... He thought to himself, knowing what she really meant. "Just peachy. Why wouldn't I be?" He grunted a little, catching up to her.

    Almonddash bowed his head. "I still remember when my brother was almost taken to the stars." He looked up again, swallowing down the sorrow. "You think he'd be a little more chipper after facing near death. You know, be thankful. But nope, not Nightflame."

    Cherrywind wrapped her tail around her paws. "Well that's good. Borders are safer that way."

  13. Silverpaw shrugged. "Well, most cats would prefer to be a Warrior, but then they get injured..." Silverpaw trailed off, not sure of what to say.

    Echostar sighed. "It's because of that limp, I'm guessing that he obtained it after the accident that caused it. He was forced to be a Medicine Cat, wasn't he?"

    Thornstrike nodded.

    Berrypaw spoke up. "But that makes things less interesting! We need bordering Clans so we could have excitement!"

  14. Nightflame's pale eyes sparked with hurt. "Ya, well. Seems like you've got it all figured out huh?" He pushed past her, scenting the air for herbs. The dark calico tom didn't feel like talking now. Every word that came out of his Apprentice's mouth was more irritating.

    Almonddash nodded solemnly. "He really liked fighting and hunting before the accident...But our mother made him take up healing after he was hurt. She didn't even try to help him be able to condition his body to do what it could before. It's too late now.." He sighed with regret.

    Cherrywind laughed, on ear flattening. "Sometimes boring is good." She knew clans had a fighting side to them, and prayed silently she would never have to.

  15. Silverpaw's ear twitched in annoyance.

    Echostar frowned. "Why would Cherrywind do that? Does she hate him?"

    Goldenheart said, "But all the while, boring gets... well, boring after a while."

  16. Almonddash's pale eyes flashed with a defense for his mother, but then again he knew it to be true. "I don't understand her and I don't understand him. Its their quarrel not mine." He shrugged, keeping the anger out of his voice. "So, what do we hunt around here?" He asked sniffing the air, his bright attitude back.

    Cherrywind tucked her tail tighter around her. "Do you enjoy fighting around here?"

    Nightflame waved Silverpaw over to him with the swish of his tail. He was crouched to the ground looking at a small plant with purple flowers. "This is lavender. It calms the nerves after something terrible happens and helps with shock."

  17. Echostar paused for a moment. "We hunt squirrels, voles, mice, and small birds."

    Goldenheart looked kind of shocked. "Well, no! It's just, fighting can be fun if there's nothing exciting going on."

    Silverpaw nodded. "Echostar told me that lavender could be used for some stuff, I forgot what, but I keep some in storage... Just in case."

  18. Almonddash nodded, a spark of mischief in his pale green eyes. "How about a contest between you and me? Who can catch a vole first?" He arched his feathery tail over his back.

    Cherrywind nodded solemnly. "It's just, I'm not much of a fighter..."

    Nightflame acknowledged what she said with the twitch of an ear. He continued on through the forest, sniffing around carefully. He found some comfrey, coltsfoot, yarrow, and horsetail by a small stream. "Let's carry all this back, I'll explain what it does later."

  19. Echostar smirked, her more competitive and playful side showing, "You're on!"

    Goldenheart nodded. "Understandable. Not many cats like to fight."

    Silverpaw nodded. "Okay!"

  20. "Ready..go!" Almonddash dove into the undergrowth going the opposite way of EchoStar. He crouched there for a moment and gaped his mouth open to scent the air. It took a moment to catch vole scent. He began prowling after its trail, claws sheathing and unsheathing with excitement. I can prove I'm a good hunter.

    Cherrywind felt reassured it was okay that she didn't like to fight. "It's good to know Warriors aren't all tooth and claw." She purred.

    Nightflame tucked some of the herbs under his chin and started heading back, following their scent trail. He was still a unfamiliar with the land and stumbled a few times on things he didn't see lying across the path. Stupid leg...Stupid Almonddash! He silently blamed his brother.

  21. Echostar dived into the undergrowth, silently treading through, sniffing the air for any scents of vole.

    Goldenheart shrugged. "But who knows? Maybe we have neighbors we don't know about."

    Silverpaw followed behind Nightflame silently, carrying some herbs between her jaws. Why couldn't Nightflame be a little happier? He never wanted to be a Medicine Cat, but shouldn't he be happy in his new home?

  22. Almonddash hissed in irritation. The vole he had been tracking was already in a burrow. Maybe I can scare it out? He began digging into the small gap in the ground. It was definitely in there, close too.

    Cherrywind yawned a bit. "Maybe..Would you show me where the Warriors sleep? We've traveled quite a way and I'm exhausted." The ginger and white she-cat stretched out her paws.

    Nightflame found his way back to camp and limped over to the Medicine Cat den. "So, you keep herbs in the back cleft here?" He mewed around his bundle.

  23. Echostar spotted a small vole, digging in the ground, she smiled to herself. It hadn't spotted her yet.

    Goldenheart nodded. "Of course. It's that bush next to the large rock, there's plenty of nests, so chose whichever you like!"

    Silverpaw gentled placed her bundle on the ground. "Yes."

  24. Cherrywind blinked at her thankfully and padded away. She chose a nest closest to the back and curled up to rest.

    Almonddash saw the Vole shoot up though a different hole. He chased it in pursuit, hoping to stop it before it found another entrance.

    Nightflame shuffled the herbs in rows. "Okay, so do you know what yarrow does?" He asked pointing to a long stalk with little white flowers on it.

  25. Echostar crept closer to the vole, her paws treading lightly. Just a little closer, and it'd be her's!

    Silverpaw pondered in her thoughts for a moment. "Yarrow," she murmured to herself, "Yarrow..." She looked up at Nightflame and shook her head and said, "No."

  26. Nightflame flicked an ear. "Of course can make a cat throw up if eaten. Useful if they eat something dangerous like death berries or crow food that gives them a belly ache. Really anything they shouldn't be eating."

    Almonddash leaped for the vole, but it dodged to the side. He stumbled into a role and ate some dirt. "Bleh! Pew! Pfffft." He spat, sitting up with his head spinning. Smooth..EchoStar wins. He imagined her with a plump vole now.
